2025 World Coastal Forum Conference

Soliciting suggestions for the Theme and Topics for the 2025 Conference of the World Coastal Forum




In response to the important speech made by President Xi Jinping of China at the opening of the 13th Meeting of Parties of the Convention on Wetlands in November 2022 supporting the convening of a conference of the World Coastal Forum, a global development initiative, responding to international conventions and global resolutions, and to protect, conserve, restore and sustainably manage coastal ecosystems worldwide, we successfully organized the first World Coastal Forum Conference in September 2023 in Yancheng, China; see report here.


The 2023 World Coastal Forum Conference, jointly hosted by the Jiangsu Provincial Government, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China and at which an agreement was reached to hold a global conference of the World Coastal Forum every two years, with the next forum proposed for 2025.


We are now publicly soliciting suggestions for the theme and topics of the 2025 Conference of the World Coastal Forum that is to be held in Yancheng next year.



Form of suggestions

The theme and topics of the Conference should focus on current issues and concerns around coastal ecosystem conservation and management and restoration, to provide ideas, examples of best practice and proposed solutions to address threats and opportunities to improve the state of the world’s coasts for the multiple benefits that they provide. These topics should attract the attention and discussion among multiple stakeholders.


We are requesting suggestions on themes and topics from national and international organizations and other stakeholders active in the field of coastal ecosystem conservation, management and restoration. We sincerely invite all friends who are concerned about coastal protection and sustainable development to actively contribute to the planning of the 2025 Conference.


1. Suggestions on the theme

The theme of the forum is in both Chinese and English. It can be in the form of one sentence or contrasting sentences (pure Chinese or English theme is also welcome). It is suggested to combine current topics of international conferences, initiatives of international conventions, the United Nations’ 2030 agenda for sustainable development and related forums.

The theme of the 2023 WCF Conference was “Our Coasts: Harmony between People and Nature”.

You are encouraged to attach a short description to explain the concept and implications of the theme you suggest.


2. Suggestions on the topics

The topics can focus on current areas of common concern and interest in the coastal areas. The topics of the 2023 WCF Conference included: Coastal Ecosystem Protection, conservation and restoration, Promoting Coastal Conservation Knowledge of Migratory Species and Habitats, Sustainable Development of Coastal Ecosystems, and Raising Awareness and Multi-stakeholder Engagement.

Each topic can be accompanied by a short description to explain its background of the importance and relevance for the Conference.




If you have any relevant suggestions, please contact us by E-mail: syb001148@163.com and info@efglobal.org before July 8th (Monday)!


Thank you again for your attention and feedback!




World Coastal Forum Secretariat (preparatory) and Facilitators